Tuesday, January 24, 2012

S.O.S. (Secret of Survival) - Sing

One day, someone is going to ask one of my children what their dad was like when they were kids, and I'm pretty sure that I know what their answer will be. "I remember he used to sing a lot," they'll say, "like, really a lot. And loud... Like he was trying to practice or something." 
Dog singing
Yeller was a good growler, but his clean vocals were a little ruff...
The kids are used to it since it's all they've ever really known, so they don't get nearly as weirded out as they probably should when I suddenly start singing at full volume for no apparent reason. Yup, I love to sing... 'Cuz I'm crazy like that, yo... Don't judge me... Yeah, so I suppose that the kids are just enabling me. Here's hoping that it lasts for a few more years...

Whatever the case, singing makes me feel better. Like a happy catharsis. It gives me that little bit of extra energy to help the kids out with whatever it is that they need helping out with at the moment. It puts me in a better mood, which which makes all of the difference sometimes. It can make all the difference in the world in those moments when your mouth tries to bypass your (read: my) brain and just starts to react when potentially frustrating stimuli present themselves.

The best part: if I really nail a high section, sometimes Bell will get excited and say, "good one, Dad!", which is just awesome.

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