Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Siri Con Carnage

Alright, so these are clearly not iPhone 4's or 4S's (3G and 3GS), but the title sounded better that way, so I used it.

Since the day his teeth came in, Con has been an enemy to cell phones (and hands, forearms, etc) everywhere. He attacked Megh's phone two months ago, but had only developed the jaw strength to slightly damage a phone. Those were the days...

Not too bad. The teeth marks are almost cute...
My how things have changed. The little guy still has a taste for cell phones on par with Michelangelo's taste for peanut butter and anchovy pizza, but his jaw's a bit stronger than it used to be. His potential for cell phone destruction has increased accordingly. So yeah, for all of the more math-minded of you out there,
Teething Children + Phones = Not Good.
Fortunately, Megh's and I were planning on upgrading to our next phones within the next two weeks anyway. To the phone's credit, it still totally works.
Anyone want a damaged iPhone?
Not cute. Not cute at all.


And no.

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