Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Kids Say Funny Things Sometimes

Elles - "Now we'll count and you hide."
Dad - "I can't really hide so well with my ankle being hurt."
Elles - "Well, maybe you could stand really still, and you will look like a statue."
Dad - "I'm not sure that would work."
Elles - "You could lay down and stay still on the carpet and you would just look like part of the carpet..."

Not surprisingly, it did not take them long to find me.
Roman Statue
As I thought about it, becoming a convincing statue
would have required a lot more dedication than I could muster.
Also, that would have totally freaked out the kids.
The other day, she was busy making a nest outside with rocks and grass, just in case there were little people living under the house and they needed a place to stay (remember, we watched Arrietty recently). That was adorable.
Dad- "Wow, Elles. That nest is really cool. That's great."
Elles- "I can't really make them a nice kitchen though."

If you've seen the movie, that last comment was not only kind of funny, but pretty awwww-enducing. Not to be confused with awe-inducing, which is totally a different thing. I meant awww as in the sound you make when something is cute. There is also a facial expression associated with the sound. Clasping your hands together over your heart is optional. I usually exercise that option. What can I say? I'm a sucker for cute. Of course, I'm also a sucker for a good metal tune, so it balances out. In my mind it does, anyway.

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