Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Headbutts for the Kids

Baby  goats
Get it? Get it? Yeah so the post has nothing to do with goats,
but the image just tied in too perfectly to my title to not use it.
I felt like a very bad person today. I didn't mean to be a bad person, but it just works out that way sometimes, you know?

I took the kids out to the grocery store and was surprised to see how many people were there. I had planned to let Cam walk along with me, perhaps even push a small cart or carry a small basket -- he loves that. Unfortunately, there were so many people out and about that I could't have both he and his sister walking along beside me, especially not with carts or baskets. When I told Cam that he was going to have to stay in the double stroller with his brother, he was understandably upset it.

The first thing I always do when the kids get upset in public is to remove them from the situation. Get the kids away from everyone so that their yelling doesn't bother everyone else, and get them away from whatever stimulus is upsetting them. Always a good move. In this case, I took the kids back outside the store so we could have a talk. Anyway, we this thing with Cam sometimes where we have him blow on our noses, and then jerk back, as if he had nearly just blown us over. I did it once, and it worked out fairly well, but he was still having a hard time calming himself down. It usually takes a few times. I went in for the second time and, unbeknownst to me, Elles crept in behind me to see what I was doing. When Cam blew on my nose, I jerked back as per the usual, but not as per the usual, jerking back resulted in me headbutting Ellie in the face. Pretty hard. Not cool.

She played it off like everything was okay for a minute, but as often happens with her, she realized after 5 seconds that it actually really hurt. I don't know if she just has some sort of delay between her nerve endings and the part of her brain that processes pain or what, but it always takes longer with her than I expect. So there we were, the four of us right outside of the store, Cam screaming about the injustice of not getting to push a cart, and Elles screaming about the injustice/pain of getting headbutted in the face by her dad. I did not feel like a good person. I'm not sure that anything makes me feel like a bad person so much as accidentally hurting one of the kids. Or my wife (rolling over in bed can be dangerous). Or the dog, who's paws are surprisingly easy to accidentally step on. Actually, that last one might be the worst. The yelp she gives when I step on her paw is really heart-breakingly sad.

I need to stop being so clumsy.

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