Thursday, April 12, 2012

I'm Still bad at photography

I think this is going to be a regular thing. Traditionally, if I take a bad picture, I delete it (usually after chuckling to myself for a moment). This tends to leave me with a very small photo collection. A few weeks ago, I decided to buck tradition and instead of doing the obvious, I might as well put those pictures out there for everyone to enjoy. Or not enjoy. You know, because they aren't good pictures. 

The pictures make this one longer than most, so you can click to see my poor photography after the jump

Exhibit A:
My flash is too bright. Seriously, just look at these kids. They couldn't see anything other than a blue spot for like 10 minutes after this.

Exhibit B:
Remember that post I put up a little while back about how that picture of Baby Boy looked looked like he was totally blazed? Well, I guess that's becoming kind of a thing. Just check out these pictures from the weekend. Again, I totally swear that our kids aren't on drugs. Still, perhaps I should be checking their drawers, just to be safe.

Exhibit C:
This picture.

Exhibit D:
Does it look to anyone else like I'm totally punching this kid? I swear I'm not. Honestly, there's no need to get CPS involved in this. No kid punching or drug use, just poor photography. I don't think that CPS deals with that kind of thing. I was merely trying to get him to stop playing with the toilet (after taking a few pictures first).

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